Shipping Calculator:
After adding your items to cart, click here for Shipping Rates Calculator
You will find it at bottom of the page.
For your convenience we offer several shipping options for customers in USA:
Transit time estimates given above and during checkout are typical transit times provided by shipping companies. The Islamic Place can not and does not guarantee transit times.
We process most in-stock orders received before 2pm EST Mon-Fri on the same day. A tracking number is emailed to you as soon as your order is shipped.
In-store Pickup Location:
The Islamic Place
5225 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19139
Need Directions? Click Here.
In-store pickup hours:
Monday to Saturday 11 to 6 pm
Closed for Jummah Prayer on Fridays 12:30 to 3 pm
For pickups, bring with you:
For customers outside of the USA, following options are available:
Orders shipping outside of the United States may be subject to the recipient country's import customs tax/duty. Such import duties or procedures are the responsibility of the recipient.